“Poinsettia Power” Christmas Card

Sold separately, or as one in a set of 8.

I am reminded of a time when our greenhouse was full of poinsettias. The intensity of color was breathtaking. I appreciate the power of a poinsettia as we use it to adorn our homes and churches and give as gifts. This “power “ can light up a space, remind us of the past, bring us joy, energize our spirit, and show we care. The truth is we must keep these plants watered, keep them warm and give them special attention so they will last more than a season, much like nurturing relationships.

Experience “Poinsettia Power”.






“Quiet Moments” Christmas Card

Sold separately, or as one in a set of 8.

Often while walking at night I am struck by the color of the sky and how it alters the color of the darkest shadows. I find “Quiet Moments” on these walks and feel peaceful and relaxed in the color and quiet of the night. I often wonder where the animals are hiding and if they feel safe. I feel like they need a little Christmas too – a Christmas tree in the dark.

May you find comfort even in the darkness.